Winter Birds - Higham Hall


Bar-tailed Godwits arrive in large numbers around our coastline, the Solway being one of their most important feeding grounds. Join us for this ever-popular winter break.

The coldest and bleakest times of the year in Britain can sometimes be the most colourful for birdlife, with swirling flocks of waders and massed gatherings of wildfowl providing spectacular action on our estuaries. The Solway is one of the most important areas for wintering birds in the country, hosting the entire Svalbard population of Barnacle Geese plus multitudes of other wildfowl, waders and their ever attendant raptors. 
This course is a regular sell-out, combinign the best of winter birdwatching in Britain with the ever-popular and supremely comfortable Higham Hall. For those wishing to improve on their identification skills, it provides unrivalled chances to study and compare the various species.

9 - 13 December
4 nights
Call Higham for latest availability
13 - 17 January
4 nights
Call Higham for latest availability
1 - 5 December
4 nights
Call Higham for latest availability

4 nights - double room occupancy. (single supplement applies to single room occupancy)

Breakfast, Lunch, Evening meal.

Travel costs whilst on event.

Travel costs to and from venue.

Evening meal on last day of event.

Higham Hall is one of only a handful of independent residential colleges in the north of England providing a range of open learning experiences for adults.

Once people discover Higham they tend to return again and again, often for many years, such is the joy of simply spending intelligent time with like-minded people in such charismatic surroundings.

Higham’s main activity is now as an independent Educational Trust attracting around 3,000 adults each year on over  250 courses of lengths from half a day to up to a week. People come from Cumbria, the North of England, Scotland and further afield. No qualifications needed, just a desire to enjoy learning, and the warmest Cumbrian hospitality.

01768 776276
01768 776013