Well everyone, I guess I am going to be spending more time up here looking after the breeding birds. It looks fairly low-risk to me!
It is impossible to think of one person in the country who is unaffected by this coronavirus crisis and it is our first concern that all those we know through Wild Insights are able to keep safe and well during this period.
Naturally, we hope, before too long this whole thing will be history but in the meantime wanted you to know that our strategy will be, as much as possible, to re-schedule events rather than cancel, in order to minimise dissapointment for everyone concerned. For the latest situation the easiest starting point on this website is the Calendar page which sets out everything in chronological order, showing availability.
For complete reassurance, any payments made for Wild Insights events, whether direct or through The Ultimate Travel Company or Higham Hall are fully protected and will either be held in credit for a new re-scheduled date or re-funded accordingly.
The first casualty is a repeat Getting to Grips with Raptors workshop which was to be happening next week but has been re-scheduled though to November this year. I have also added an additional date for this workshop in March next year so please get in touch if you would like a place. For details go to 'UK breaks' or 'Calendar'.
It is likely that all events over the next three months at least will be affected and as soon as there is clarity the information will be put up on the website. I am already holding additional dates for possible re-schedules. I will be sending out e-mail updates of our plans.
In the meantime, as well as trying to enjoy, as much as possible the wonderful springtime in the UK, this is a perfect opprtunity to get on with a whole load of household jobs and other projects which have been waiting to be done. At last I will be tidying the shed!
As well as updates on Wild Insights activities I will be posting some regular news items to keep you entertained during confinement. Watch this space!